Books by Mia Couto (12)


As pequenas doenças da eternidade : Contos by Mia Couto PT

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Country: Africa / Mozambique flag Mozambique
Nesta seleta de contos, uma edição especial para leitores brasileiros, Mia Couto traz histórias que tratam de grandes males que assombram a sociedade, dos tempos mais remotos aos dias atuais. A perspectiva da finitude, o medo do abandono, indiferença, traições, guerras e pandemias — são estes alguns dos temas que perpassam os textos aqui reunidos. "Peço a Deus que me dê a felicidade das pequenas doenças", assim começa o conto que dá título a esta coletânea de textos de Mia Couto. Nele, uma mãe e seu filho rezam para evitar graves enfermidades e tentam, sem sucesso, postergar o próprio fim. A s... continue


Confession of the Lioness : A Novel by Mia Couto EN

Rating: 3 (2 votes)
Country: Africa / Mozambique flag Mozambique
A dark, poetic mystery about the women of the remote village of Kulumani and the lionesses that hunt them Told through two haunting, interwoven diaries, Mia Couto's Confession of the Lioness reveals the mysterious world of Kulumani, an isolated village in Mozambique whose traditions and beliefs are threatened when ghostlike lionesses begin hunting the women who live there. Mariamar, a woman whose sister was killed in a lioness attack, finds her life thrown into chaos when the outsider Archangel Bullseye, the marksman hired to kill the lionesses, arrives at the request of the village elders. Ma... continue


Every Man is a Race by Mia Couto EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Africa / Mozambique flag Mozambique
'A man's story is always badly told. That's because a person never stops being born. Nobody leads one sole life, we are all multiplied into different and ever-changeable men.' So it is with all the stories in this collection, which never make a definitive judgement on the individual life, but only suggest its possibilities. Set in Mozambique, the stories reflect the legacy of Portuguese colonialism and the tragedy of the subsequent civil war. Mia Couto's first collection, Voices Made Night, was described as 'lyrical', 'magical' and 'compassionate' by the reviewers, who were unanimous in identi... continue


O fio das missangas : contos by Mia Couto PT

Rating: 5 (2 votes)
Country: Africa / Mozambique flag Mozambique
Estórias breves mas contendo, cada uma delas, as infinitas vidas que se condensam em cada ser humano. Uma vez mais, a linguagem é trabalhada como se fosse delicada filigrana, confirmando o que o autor disse de si mesmo: «conto estórias por via da poesia». São vinte e nove contos unidos como missangas em redor de um fio, que é a escrita encantada de um consagrado fabricador de ilusões.


O mapeador de ausências by Mia Couto PT

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Africa / Mozambique flag Mozambique
O personagem principal desta história regressa a Moçambique depois de anos de ausência. E regressa também ao passado, envolvendo-se numa teia de acontecimentos que parecem dar continuidade ao que tinha ficado parado a aguardar explicação anos atrás. Os papéis da PIDE fizeram-me lembrar a biografia que ainda não terminei de escrever.


Sleepwalking Land by Mia Couto EN

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
Country: Africa / Mozambique flag Mozambique
"On almost every page of this witty magical realist whodunit, we sense Couto's delight on those places where language slips officialdom's asphyxiating grasp."--The New York Times Book Review on The Last Flight of the Flamingo "The most prominent of the younger generation of writers in Portuguese-speaking Africa, Couto passionately and sensitively describes everyday life in poverty-stricken Mozambique."--Guardian (London) "Quite unlike anything else I have read from Africa."--Doris Lessing As the civil war rages in 1980s Mozambique, an old man and a young boy, refugees from the war, seek shelte... continue


The Last Flight of the Flamingo by Mia Couto EN

Rating: 5 (2 votes)
Country: Africa / Mozambique flag Mozambique
An extraordinary portrait of an Africa country after a civil war.


Um rio chamado tempo, uma casa chamada terra : romance by Mia Couto PT

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
Country: Africa / Mozambique flag Mozambique
The young man Mariano is returning to his homeland, the island of Luar-do-Chão, for his grandfather's funeral. After years away, he finds himself a stranger in his own home and among his own race. Slowly, he comes to find that he has not returned to the island just for the funeral, but also for his own rebirth, and that of his family. As he tries to retrace his family history, Mariano receives a series of anonymous letters that lead him to investigate the death of his grandfather, and a crime that involves the whole island. He realizes that every inhabitant of the island has something to revea... continue


Un río llamado tiempo, una casa llamada tierra by Mia Couto ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Africa / Mozambique flag Mozambique
Mia Couto (1955) es uno de los escritores destacados de Mozambique. 'Un río llamado tiempo, una casa llamada tierra' (2002) es su ultima novela publicada en castellano (Universidad de San Martín, Buenos Aires, 2016). Descendiente de portugueses (o sea, blanco), es capaz de trasladar la lógica y la musicalidad del lenguaje local. La novela gira en torno a la muerte latente del abuelo Mariano, las relaciones entre sus parientes, y los secretos del pasado. La historia tiene elementos de lo que podría llamarse realismo mágico; y si el lector es capaz de... continue


Venenos de Deus , Remédios do Diabo by Mia Couto PT

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Africa / Mozambique flag Mozambique
O jovem médico português Sidónio Rosa, perdido de amores pela mulata moçambicana Deolinda, que conheceu em Lisboa num congresso médico, deslocou-se como cooperante para Moçambique em busca da sua amada. Em Vila Cacimba, onde encontra os pais dela, espera pacientemente que ela regresse do estágio que está a frequentar algures. Mas regressará ela algum dia? Entretanto vão-se-lhe revelando, por entre a névoa que a cobre, os segredos e mistérios, as histórias não contadas de Vila Cacimba - a família dos Sozinhos, Munda e Bartolomeu, o velho marinheiro, o administrador, Suacelência e sua Esposinha,... continue


Woman of the Ashes : A Novel by Mia Couto EN

0 Ratings
Country: Africa / Mozambique flag Mozambique
The first in a trilogy about the last emperor of southern Mozambique by one of Africa’s most important writers Southern Mozambique, 1894. Sergeant Germano de Melo is posted to the village of Nkokolani to oversee the Portuguese conquest of territory claimed by Ngungunyane, the last of the leaders of the state of Gaza, the second-largest empire led by an African. Ngungunyane has raised an army to resist colonial rule and with his warriors is slowly approaching the border village. Desperate for help, Germano enlists Imani, a fifteen-year-old girl, to act as his interpreter. She belongs to the VaC... continue